About Us

Hey friends! I'm Amanda, I'm the creative mind behind Smallwood Creations. I've been creating things for friends and family since about 2010 in my free time. In 2021 I had a sweet baby boy (12 years apart from my oldest! lol), and unfortunately I was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression. My doctor suggested that I talk with my boss about taking a little more time for my medication to start working to ease the burden of everything I was dealing with at the time. She let me go, but said I "resigned".

My husband and I went from not only 3 members in our family to 4, we also lost my source of income and became a single income family. Going through Postpartum Depression, with a newborn, with all the other daily struggles I was dealing with, and then lost my job of 7-1/2 years...
Needless to say it was DEVESTATING.

So in order to keep my mind busy and to keep me focused on something (and to help put food on our table and help make ends meet), I started focusing on the Smallwood Creations side of things. I am so glad I did. Through this outlet, I was able to overcome Postpartum Depression without any medication (I quit taking it when I was let go). With that being said - if you have to take medication for PPD or any other mental disorder - THERE IS NO SHAME. (I also have Postpartum Anxiety and with that medication anxiety lol). 

I am a firm believer that when one door closes, God is there helping us and guiding us to another chapter in our lives. Smallwood Creations was something I started many years ago when my first born was little, and my oh my how I needed it when my second was a newborn, 12 whole years later. 

I appreciate every single one of my customers. No matter how big or how small your order is, I am truly thankful and blessed that you have supported me and my little family.